Neurology /Neurosurgery

Cerebral stroke or 'Brain Attack' is the leading cause of disability and probably the third leading cause of death in India. At Das Hospital, we use a new technique known as a temporary endovascular bypass. There are interventional neurological procedures, which are used for the treatment of acute stroke or epilepsy and are practised abroad very routinely. We hope to increase awareness of stroke and its prevention so that the focus is on prevention rather than cure.
Recognizing the need to rehabilitate patients with neurological/spinal injuries or disorders into mainstream life. At Das Hospital our units have a specially designated cell to take care of those who need counseling, care, and routine check-up. The objective of this department is to improve a patient's quality of life in case of traumatic case history or simply provide hand-holding and offer support services till the individual is able to manage his life smoothly. The path to recovery is then a quick process.